Parents of middle school and high school athletes need to be as passionate about their kids’ performance in school as when cheering for them during sports competitions because too many capable student athletes fail to qualify for the many opportunities offered at the collegiate level due to poor academic performance.
This book is called the Parents’ Playbook for good reason. It is designed to be used not just read. Offering over 200+ practical supports and academic accommodations that can be implemented at the next teacher conference, Student Success Team (SST) meeting, 504 Plan meeting, or Individual Education Program (IEP) meeting.
While parents clearly care about their child receiving a good education many parents don’t know how to help their child do better in school — that’s where this Parents’ Playbook comes in. By the time you finish, the excuse of not knowing what to do will no longer be valid. The remaining issue will be the willingness to practice and develop the discipline required to change
“Proven academic supports & athletic training books.”